Moving Body - Moving Image
is an evolving biennale initiative, founded by Gabri Christa in 2018, that gives voice to social justice and equity issues, through the Moving Body on Screen and in the digital world.
Photo Credit: Films du Léopard
Moving Body-Moving Image MOVES with the times, ever evolving. This year we are not producing a festival, but hosting the Digital Black Dance Ecologies Laboratory, an initiative from Dr. Tia -Monique Uzor. The invitation only Laboratory will take place from October 11-13, 2024 at the Barnard College Movement Lab.
The Laboratory will be an intimate space consisting of black artist-researchers and academics who will bring insight and expertise to explore the theme of Fugitivity in relation to environmental and social injustice through embodied epistemologies. Over three days Lab participants will engage in a series of technical playground investigations, round-table discussions, and workshops/sessions led by the group. Laboratory Participant Scholars and Artists: Gabri Christa, Jonathan Gonzalez, Jazlynn Goudy, Cara Hagan, Alexandrina Yewande Helmsley, Valencia James, Antoine Marc, Thomas Presto, Makeda Thomas, Tia-Monique Uzor, and André Zachary.
In addition to the Laboratory, Moving Body-Moving Image will curate a two week long public installation from 3:00-6:00pm daily on October 7 - 10 and October 14 - 18 at the Movement Lab with works by DBDE artists/scholars.
On Friday October 11 at 6pm, there will be an additional public screening of specially selected films around the black body and environmental justice and the black / brown body relating to ancestry and history. The Screening with feature: Kankantri by Gabri Christa (Suriname / USA), Terra Mater by Kantarama Gahigiri (Rwanda / Switzerland), and The Noise My Leaves Make by Tia-Monique Uzor (UK).
Reservations for Installations and Screening required due to the current Barnard College restrictions.